Street & Site Specific Events
at High Zero 2003


LONG TONE PLAYERS Monday 9/1/2003 8 am
6-8 horn players (brass and woods) are separated by a minimum of 100 ft. All players have synchronized digital watches. At a specific time all players play as long a note as they can sustain on one breath. To be performed at various points around the inner harbor walkway.
(need horn players) contact Tom (baltimorescience@hotmail.com)

ACOUSTIC STRING BAND Monday 9/1/2003 12 noon
for 3-4 players. Players perform a free improv at the plaza in front of city hall. (war memorial plaza?) (need string players) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

for 5-8 players. Performers are given score to sight read. The score to be played will be a (normally ) easily recognizable popular tune such as beethoven's 5th. All performers will, however be playing instruments that they are not familiar with. Ei. A piano player would be given a violin to play and a violinist, a trombone. To be performed on the lawn across from the meyerhoff symphony hall (need sight readers) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

THE HAT BAND Tuesday 9/2/2003 8 am
4-5 players free improvise for the auto traffic on i83. All players must have outrageously silly hats on. Performance is in front of the brick buddha near the mica ceramics dept. (need performers) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

PICKUP TRUCK MARIMBA Tuesday 9/2/2003 12 noon
for this show the lunch crowd at lexington arket will be “treated”to a lovely marimba recital from the back of a pick up truck. The truck may even be moving. Twig Harper, solo marimba.

WATER TAXI BAND Tuesday 9/2/2003 4 pm
As many as will fit will get onto a water taxi and play their little hearts out as we head from harbor place to fells point. Meet at Water Taxi stand in Fells Point for departure.
(need players, note: you may have to pay for the ride) contact Tom (baltimorescience@hotmail.com)

HONKERS Wednesday 9/3/2003 8 am
4-5 horn players preferably tenor saxes and trombones will honk at the morning rush hour traffic coming into the city. To be performed behind port discovery on president street. (need horn players) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

MUSIC INVESTMENTS Wednesday 9/3/2003 12 noon
two laptop players duel each other in front of one of the investment brokerages downtown in pin stripes and all

Needles, a concert of amplified knitting. Wednesday 9/3 at 4pm by Cult of Marms, 719 N. Howard st. for more information e-mail hostess@cultofmarms.org

SNAX IN THE VESTIBULE Wednesday 9/3/2003 4pm
this will likely be the only gig in baltimore where the club is only large enough for the two members of the band. Tom boram and daniel breen perform in the vestibule at 713 howard street

UNDERGROUND MUSIC Thursday 9/4/2003 10 am
use caution. This is a performance of real underground music. . At 2732 st. Paul

FREEDUMB GROUP Thursday 9/4/2003 1 pm
6-8 performers free improvise at the washington monument in mount vernon (need performers) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

PARADE IN FELLS POINT Thursday 9/4/2003 4 pm
any and all who dare. Bring an instrument and march through fell's point in style.
Meet at 3:30pm at the gazeebo in the park at Wolfe and Thames sts. Contact Stewart (mostofsky@kennedykrieger.org)

DRUNKEN MASTERS Thursday 9/4/2003 12 midnight
Two of baltimore’s best drinkers perform outside of the mount royal tavern

VOCAL ENSEMBLE Friday 9/5/2003 10 am
8-10 singers perform a contemporary composition for voice (need singers) at St. John's Church corner of 27th St. and St. Pauls St. Enter from the 27th st. side. Contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

THE SEWER GIRLS Friday 9/5/2003 1 pm
risen from the core of the earth, an All women's ensemble plays until the train tunnels Ignite. at intersection of Clipper Mill and Falls Rd. (need performers- women only) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com) or Grecthen (aliveandawake@usa.com) for more information.

CANDIDATE GENES performance on Friday 9/5 at AVAM at 3pm
CANDIDATE GENES IS AN UNCONSCIOUS corporation potentially associated to particular conditions. A reaction to disparity, to the concave injustice generated by the very era that sees it fit. Through research, apprenticeship and action, attempting to define and/or circumscribe what seems to distinguish our epoch : the genesis of a genuine exclusion. For an irrevocable banishment of the difference is in itself, right today, an obvious disorder.

CASH MOVEMENT Friday 9/5/2003 5:15 pm
if you need to dash to the atm at least do it in style. A duet between cathy paine(dance) and john berndt (reeds) at the charles village bank of america atm.

FRED AND CHARLIE SHOW Friday 9/5/2003 12 midnight
Nothing better to work your buzz than these two. In o’donnel park canton

MUSICAL BICYCLE TRIP Saturday 9/6/2003 10 am
Anyone who can is invited to take a bike trip through the city while making whatever sound you can. (Note: We cannot take any liability for your personal safety if you decide to perform in this action!) Meet at 713 N. Howard Street at 9:30am. Whistles, tin cans, bells, cards in the spokes, drum kit. Set it up play it and ride. Route to be determined. (need noisey riders).

PLAY FOR LIMEADE Saturday 9/6/2003 11:30 AM
thirsty? Well your money is no good here. Anyone stopping by this lemonade stand will be required to play an instrument (will be supplied) to earn their drink. Performed in front of the charles theater

MOD COMPOSITION Saturday 9/6/2003 5 pm
a small (5-6 performers) chamber group will perform one of the greatest pieces from the compendium of greatest modern compositions. Univ. Baltimore near Poe. (need performers)
contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

JAW HARP DUET Saturday 9/6/2003 12 midnight
two tooth rattlers combine at ghion restaurant and bar.

12 AND UNDER BAND Sunday 9/7/2003 10 am
free music if you are 12 or under. Fun instruments will be supplied under the jones falls expwy at the farmers market (need kids and helpers) contact Bob (rwagner64@aol.com)

ACTION AT A DISTANCE Sunday 9/7/2003 11 am
MOVEMENT AND MUSIC. Numerous dancers and musicians will collaborate along an extreme distance in paterson park for an exciting free for all improvisation over long distances with the performers spread so far they can barely perceive each other. With improvisors Micahel Johnsen, Jack Wright, Michel Doneda, Mike Evans, Ricardo Arias, and others, and some of Baltimore's best contact improvising dancers. The Ukranian festival is simultanous with this action.

MUSIC GAME Sunday 9/7/2003 2 pm
4 musical sports advocates will battle in a heated game of amplified musical badminton. Wyman dell