Opening Night at The Baltimore Museum of Art (Fox Court)
September 16th, 2008
Tuesday Night, September 16th
Doors open 8:00 PM, Performance starts 8:15 PM sharp
Major Concerts at The Theatre Project
September 17th-21st, 2008
Click links for detailed set listings.
Wednesday Night, September 17th
Doors open 7:30 PM, Performances start 8:30 PM sharpThursday Night, September 18th
Doors open 7:30 PM, Performances start 8:30 PM sharpFriday Night, September 19th
Doors open 7:30 PM, Performances start 8:30 PM sharpSaturday Matinee (Day), September 20th
Doors open 12 NOON, Performances start 1:00 PM sharpSaturday Night, September 20th
Doors open 7:30PM, Performances start 8:30 PM sharpSunday Night, September 21st
Doors open 7:30PM, Performances start 8:30 PM sharp
Click here to purchase tickets or a festival pass.
Site specific performances everywhere you look!
Visit the HighJinx Page for a calendar of planned events throughout Baltimore.
Robert van Heumen
Digital Instruments: a personal view on digital instrumentalism in performance and composition
Peabody Conservatory of Music
1 E Mt. Vernon Place
Wednesday, September 17th
2:00-3:30PM - Room 314C
Robert van Heumen will talk about his live performance and studio work, demonstrating STEIM's live sampling software LiSa and the mapping software junXion. He will reflect on digital tools in an instrumental context: using the computer and various controllers as a performative instrument, matching the split-second action-reaction of acoustic musicians.
Alessandro Bosetti
Part of the Ears.Eyes.Open series.
Johns Hopkins University - Digital Media Center
Intersection of 33rd St. and N Charles St.
Wednesday, September 17th
4:30PM - Mattin 101, Jones Building
A few months ago I wrote a note to myself: "Try to create a mask that that doesn’t have anything to do with anything," and kept wondering what that could mean until i started to imagine Mask/Mirror. Mask/Mirror a sampler to process recordings of spoken language in real time. The sampler follows both sound and meaning criteria in sorting, organizing and processing samples and in formulating utterances. It is a software tool based on max/msp and a speech recognition software interacting with my own voice during performances. It's also a state of mind enabling expanded spoken and vocal improvisation, expanded communication and ecstasy. It has been developed in collaboration with Harvestworks Digital Arts Center in New York and STEIM in Amsterdam. Mask/Mirror has to do with virtually everything but at the same time it does not have anything special to do with anything special. As well as being a blank mask I can put on my face - and my voice - it's also a mirror that let me browse and talk to my memory while I am watching into it. All mirrors are masks and vice versa. Both are tools enabling identity.
Susan Alcorn
My Approach to Pedal Steel Guitar Improvisation
University of Maryland - Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Friday, September 19th
1:00PM - Studio 508, Fine Arts Building
World-reknown avant-garde pedal steel guitarist Susan Alcorn will perform a solo concert, discuss her approach to free improvisation, and the specific techniques on pedal steel guitar that she uses in her music. She will also take questions about these subjects.
Magali Babin
The Object-Instrument & Soundscape
Goucher College
1021 Dulaney Valley Road
Friday, September 19th
1:30PM - Room 115 KA (Computer Music Studio)
As an introduction to my work in audio art I will speak about the practice that I’ve developed around the “sonic geography of an object” and the “micrography” of a sound. Accompanied by audio examples and visual examples of some of my works, I will demonstrate how the interaction of the object is at the center of my my audio research and my art practice. We will also examine aurally the everyday object, the recycled or found object, the organic object, in sonic action or in summary, the object-instrument. In contrast to this idea of the microcosm of a sound source, the second workshop will also include an inquiry into the “art of listening” from, this time, the macroscopic level of the world of soundscape. This perspective will be demonstrated through field recordings. I would like to make space for interactivity in this workshop, either through “deep listening” to musical works or through a series of short listening exercises inspired by R. Murray Schafer. Verbal exchange and audience participation will also be incorporated. If time permits, I would like to give a brief overview on the use of graphic scores, which is an important technique in my improvisation and in noise music.
Eric Andre LeTourneau
Kecak Kreasi Baru Workshop
(Introduction to Balinese Monkey Chant)
Mount Vernon Park
East Mount Vernon Place
Sunday, September 21st
An open workshop in which Eric Andre Letourneau will give an introductory outdoor lesson in Kecak, the highly syncopated and amazing sounding group vocal music of Bali. After the lesson, those who want to will move to another part of the city to give an impromptu Kecak performance on the street, location to be announced.Eric Letourneau is a composer, writer, teacher and performance artist. He have been sutdying gamelan at Université de Montréal from 1987 to 1995 . In 1993 and 1994, he received a grant of Ministère de la Culture du Québec to study extensively in Bali in Master-Classes with teatchers from STSI and SMKI in Bali. He is specialized in shadow-puppet theater (Wayang Kulit), signing (Kekawin), flute (Suling), and gender wayang and Kreasi Baru. He regularly performs and teaches balinese music and has performed and toured extensively with many Canadian and Balinese music ensembles. In 2004 he coordinated the International meeting of the IAPAO (International Organisation of Performance Art Organisers) in Bandung (Java), a conference about contemporary performance art and contemporary culture. He currently lives and work in the province of Québec, Canada.
Opening Night at The Baltimore Museum of Art (Fox Court)
Doors open 8:00 PM, Performance starts 8:15 PM sharp.
A FREE event in the Fox Court of the BMA:
High Zero begins this year with a free concert, a collaboration between Peter Rose (visionary filmmaker from Philadelphia) and Second Nature, Baltimore's radical improvising orchestra. Rose has created a new film in his "Studies in Transfalumination" series using footage shot in Baltimore with his proprietary techniques, and will improvise this footage non-linearly in relation to a freely improvised sound track by Second Nature.
Transfalumination (Live Film)
Peter RoseSecond Nature Orchestra (Sound)
Susan Alcorn: pedal steel guitar
Shelly Blake: guitar
Tom Boram: voice
Dan Breen: xylophone
Rose Burt: baritone saxophone
Samuel Burt: clarinet
Audrey Chen: cello
Andy Hayleck: saw
Katt Hernandez: violin
Tyler Higgins: guitar
Bonnie Jones: electronics
Liz Meredith: viola
Melissa Moore: electronics
Michael Muniak: electronics
Paul Neidhardt: percussion
Katherine Porter: cello
John Berndt: orchestra director
Major Concerts at The Theatre Project
Doors open 7:30 PM, Performances start 8:30 PM sharp.
Detailed set listings:
Wednesday Night, September 17th
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Tom Boram: synthesizer, voiceGroup One
Susan Alcorn: pedal steel guitar
Magali Babin: amplified metal
Rose Hammer Burt: saxophones
Robert van Heumen: electronicsGroup Two
Dan Blacksberg: trombone
Carson Garhart: inventions, electronics
Michael Muniak: electronicsGroup Three
Alessandro Bosetti: electronics, voice
John Eaton: alto saxophone, voice
M.C. Schmidt: electronicsGroup Four
Robert van Heumen: electronics
Bill Nace: guitar
Ric Royer: voice, tapes
Thursday Night, September 18th
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Special Set
Olga Adorno: spontaneous performanceGroup One
Liz Allbee: trumpet
Bill Nace: guitar
Paul Neidhardt: percussion, friction
Carlos Santiago: violinSolo
Magali Babin: amplified metalGroup Two
Tony Buck: drums
Audrey Chen: voice, cello, electronics
Arrington de Dionyso: voice, bass clarinetGroup Three
Liz Allbee: trumpet
John Berndt: electronics, reeds, inventions
Samuel Burt: clarinet, electronics
Rose Hammer Burt: saxophones
Chris Corsano: drums
John Eaton: alto saxophone, voice
Friday Night, September 19th
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Special Set
Tony Conrad: violins
Dan Conrad: inventions, lightGroup One
John Berndt: electronics, reeds, inventions
Tom Boram: synthesizer, voice
Samuel Burt: clarinet, electronics
Arrington de Dionyso: voice, bass clarinet
Robert van Heumen: electronicsGroup Two
Tetuzi Akiyama: acoustic guitar
Janel Leppin: cello, electronics, autoharp
Camel Zekri: oud, guitar, electronicsGroup Three
Magali Babin: amplified metal
Alessandro Bosetti: electronics, voice
Michael Muniak: electronicsGroup Four
Liz Allbee: trumpet
Magali Babin: amplified metal
Tom Boram: synthesizer, voice
M.V. Carbon: electronics, tapes, cello
Audrey Chen: voice, cello, electronics
Saturday Matinee (Day), September 20th -- SPECIAL EVENT!!!
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An afternoon of compositions for actions and sound, performers and audience.
By Jenny Graf Sheppard
1. A Performance of Experimental Archeology by the Stone Carving Oraclestra
Audience members are invited to consult the Stone Carving Oraclestra for individualized stone carved readings and channeled phonemes.
Performed as an act of experimental archeology, the Stone Carving Oraclestra will channel sounds through contact with specially selected boulders, and, at the same time, carve the sounds directly into stone. Audience members may choose to have a personalized “reading” by the Oraclestra. This piece demonstrates a spontaneous burgeoning of sound with human action onto geological matter.The Stone Carving Oraclestra:
Jenny Graf
Miranda Bushey
Shana Palmer
Katherine Porter
Serena Williams
The High Zero Musicians:
Susan Alcorn: pedal steel guitar
Liz Allbee: trumpet
M.V. Carbon: electronics, tapes, cello
Chris Corsano: drums
Bill Nace: guitar
2. Threshold for Action and Sound
1 A level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not.
2 The point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result or to elicit a response.
This piece transforms the audience into creators and the creators into audience. All are involved in the live production of a sound score to which the High Zero musicians respond. Building the piece together, the audience and performers are co-dependent in this improvised composition of sound and activity.
The consumption of a nutritious meal will be central to this composition for sound, instigating action by the group. Those in attendance will be given several menus to choose from. A vegan option will be provided.Musicians:
Tetuzi Akiyama: acoustic guitar
John Berndt: electronics, reeds, inventions
Tom Boram: synthesizer, voice
Alessandro Bosetti: electronics, voice
Tony Buck: drums
G. Lucas Crane: tapes
John Eaton: alto saxophone, voice
Camel Zekri: oud, guitar, electronics
Saturday Night, September 20th
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... and after the show ...Solo
Arrington de Dionyso: voice, bass clarinetGroup One
Tetuzi Akiyama: acoustic guitar
Susan Alcorn: pedal steel guitar
Tony Buck: drums
Paul Neidhardt: percussion, frictionGroup Two
M.V. Carbon: electronics, tapes, cello
G. Lucas Crane: tapes
Michael Muniak: electronics
M.C. Schmidt: electronicsGroup Three
Audrey Chen: voice, cello, electronics
Chris Corsano: drums
Carson Garhart: inventions, electronics
Paul Neidhardt: percussion, frictionGroup Four
Tony Buck: drums
Janel Leppin: cello, electronics, autoharp
Michael Muniak: electronics
Bill Nace: guitar
Camel Zekri: oud, guitar, electronics
High Zero Dance Party
DJ Jason Willett & DJ Soft Pink Truth
H&H Building - 5th Floor
405 W Franklin St
FREE with any High Zero wristband/ticket
- or - $10 at the door (benefits High Zero Foundation)
Sunday Night, September 21st
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Group One
Dan Blacksberg: trombone
Alessandro Bosetti: electronics, voice
Samuel Burt: clarinet, electronics
Carlos Santiago: violinGroup Two
Arrington de Dionyso: voice, bass clarinet
Carson Garhart: inventions, electronics
Janel Leppin: cello, electronics, autoharpGroup Three
Dan Blacksberg: trombone
Samuel Burt: clarinet, electronics
Ric Royer: voice, tapes
M.C. Schmidt: electronicsGroup Four
Rose Hammer Burt: saxophones
Chris Corsano: drums
G. Lucas Crane: tapes
Carlos Santiago: violin