Festival Schedule

All shows will be streamed on Twitch.
In person tickets are sold out!
For limited ticket holders, doors open at 7:30pm.
Shows start at 8:30pm sharp.

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High Jinx     (public performances)

Sunday 9/19 8:00pm

Kicking off High Zero week with a beautiful set in beautiful weather with beautiful people. This event is free.

Jeron White bass
Allison Clendaniel voice
Bonnie Lander voice Shelly Purdy vibraphone

Thursday 9/23 8:30pm

Ensemble sets from around the world only at High Zero's Twitch stream.

Check again later for the final order.

Toshimaru Nakamura no-input mixing board
Tetuzi Akiyama guitar
Morten J. Olsen Joh percussion
Robin Hayward tuba
Dirar Kalash Ensemble
Tatiana Castro Mejía piano, voice
Matías Coulasso drums, noise
Daniel Iván Bruno trombone, sound art
Ariel Invernizzi video, visual art

Friday 9/24 8:30pm

Streamed live on location.
In person tickets are sold out.
Set 1
John Berndt saxophones, electronics
Talbolt Johnson dance
Set 2
Christine Paluch synthesizers, electronics, bass, guitar, cello
Emma Elizabeth Downing voice, bowed electric banjo
Set 3
Jarrett Gilgore reeds, saxophone
Jessica Keyes saxophone, electronics
Rupert Wondolowski vocals

Saturday 9/25 8:30pm
Streamed live on location.
In person tickets are sold out.
Set 1
Rose Burt saxophones
Eric Kennedy drums, percussion, vocals
Bashi Rose drum kit, percussion
Set 2
Tom Goldstein drums, percussion
Twin Jude vocals, electronics
Set 3
Jeff Carey electronics
Tyrone Page saxophone
Liz Meredith viola

Sunday 9/26 8:30pm
Solo sets from around the world only at High Zero's Twitch stream. Presented by our sister stream.
Executive Summary

Check again later for the final order.

Ryoko Akama installation, performance
Ka Baird voice, electronics, flute
T.J. Borden cello
Jaimie Branch trumpet
Joe Cantrell sound, media, trash
Dan Deacon electronics
Tashi Dorji guitar
Tim Feeney percussion
Adam Goodwin doublebass
The Great △
Jayve Montgomery woodwinds*
Kjell Nordeson drums, percussion
Lee Patterson self built instruments, amplified devices & processes
Fletcher Pratt video
Sarah Belle Reid trumpet, modular synthesizer
Olaf Rupp guitar
Victoria Shen synthesizer, electronics, inventions
Marshall Trammel/Music Research Strategies drum set, field recordings, electronics, film
Ken Vandermark saxophones, clarinet
Interstitial videos by
Fletcher Pratt
A special extended video performance from
id m theft able

While the main stage is invitation-only and booked a year in advance, there are many opportunities to perform at High Zero through High Jinx, our broadly participatory, informal and unofficial site specific and street performances held throughout the city starting a week before the festival, which are some of the wildest and most inspired public art events in Baltimore. PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

What kind of High Jinx have we done in the past? Check out these great photos from 2008 at the bottom of the documentation page!



What do High Jinx need?

Directors: People who can decide on an event, organize it (what, where, who and when) and then follow through and execute it. This can be a simple event with one director/performer standing on a street corner or a complex event with many involved.

Performers: People who either have skills which satisfy the needs of a particular perfomance or people who want to perform in something that doesn't need specific skills

Places: A great site can dictate what should be perfomed there (ex. crossing over). Or, a great site can be perfect for anything you put in it.

Documenters: Video cameras, journalists, poets, photographers, sound recordists, spys.

Creative thinkers: High Jinx is almost "anything goes". Simple ideas can make beautiful events. What can you amplify? (knitting needles) Take the mundane and over emphasize it (ultrareductionist library band). Make music out of almost nothing by meerly changing the context of existing sounds (honkers). Just act silly (the hat band). Be visual (folded paper). Be weird (crossing over). Be conventional (music games). Show off your basement projects (invented instrument)

Promoters: People who'll tell people what's happening, where and when, post to email lists, put up flyers. People who will bring more people to get involved.

Schedule your own High Jinx performance.

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