
The annual High Zero Festival is an entirely volunteer-organized cultural event costing roughly $35,000 in cash and in-kind donations to produce, including competitive artist pay, transport and lodging; space rental; and publicity.

We need your support. You can help by making individual donations, attending, contributing your own volunteer labor and equipment, and advertising in our one-of-a-kind program. The Festival is a true labor of love — and we're a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your contributions are tax-deductible. Get involved, pitch in and feel the love!


To place an ad in our festival program, please go here.

Individual Donations:

If you would like to see High Zero continue, please consider showing your support by sending us a (tax deductable) donation. We now have an easy method for you to subscribe so you can painlessly help us bit-by-bit through the year.

Become a Patron!

If you believe in this kind of freewheeling, risk-taking, mind-expanding culture at all, it will be money very well-spent!

If you would prefer to send your donation by check, please send your donation as a check made payable to:

High Zero Foundation, Inc.
Normals Books and Records
425 E 31st St.
Baltimore, MD 21218

You can also choose to make a one-time donation to help us with this year's festival.

Questions? Email: