Festival Schedule
Purchase tickets here for performances at the Baltimore Theatre Project. 45 W. Preston St., Baltimore, MD Doors open at 7:30pm.
Shows start at 8:30pm sharp.

High Zero Night at Fadensonnen
Wednesday 9/4

Kicking off the High Zero spirit with a special locals-only performance of experimental improvised music. Fadensonnen is generously hosting us for this fundraising event. Donations will be taken at the door. We aren't selling admission on line. All following performances will be at the Baltimore Theatre Project.

Rachel Beetz flute, electronics
John Berndt saxophone, synthesizer
Tom Borax synthesizer
Samuel Burt bass clarinet, daxophone
Ida Dierker synthesizer
Jessica Keyes saxophone
Shelly Purdy percussion
Paul Neidhardt percussion
Martin Schmidt electronics


Sam Pluta electronics
Set 1
Darien Baiza drums
Bonnie Lander voice
Jamal Moore reeds, percussion, electronics
Chris Williams trumpet
Set 2
Ishmael Ali cello, SP-404
CK Barlow sampling
Rachel Beetz flute, electronics
Set 3
Thomas Florin piano
Thomas Lehn synthesizer
The Emperor King Bishop: Solomon Selassie sax, keys, bass, electronics, voice
Luc Vitk accordian, voice, hichiriki, synth, drums
Set 4
Tiziana Bertoncini violin
Che Davis trombone
Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena Balinese gamelan
Roman Norfleet voice, reeds, electronics, percussion


The Night of Randomization
As an ongoing tradition, the High Zero Festival will leave Friday Night's sets up to chance. Sixteen performers will be divided into four sets, randomly. What kind of wonderful, unplanned, musical collisions will happen this year?
Luc Vitk accordian, hichiriki, voice
Randomized Participants
Ishmael Ali cello, SP-404
Darien Baiza drums
CK Barlow sampling
Tiziana Bertoncini violin
Obie Feldi computer
Thomas Florin piano
Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena Balinese gamelan
Mary Staubitz objects
Thomas Lehn synthesizer
Mickey Lusk harp
Patrick McMinn trumpet, electronics
Sam Newsome soprano sax with horn preparations
Roman Norfleet voice, reeds, electronics, percussion
Chris Williams trumpet
Adam Zanolini bass, flute

Sam Newsome soprano sax with horn preparations
Set 1
Rachel Beetz flute, electronics
Che Davis trombone
Sam Pluta electronics
Luc Vitk accordian, voice, hichiriki, synth, drums
Adam Zanolini bass, flute
Set 2
Obie Feldi computer
Bonnie Lander voice
Thomas Lehn synthesizer
Set 3
Jamal Moore reeds, percussion, electronics
Roman Norfleet voice, reeds, electronics, percussion
The Emperor King Bishop: Solomon Selassie sax, keys, bass, electronics, voice
Adam Zanolini bass, flute
Set 4
Tiziana Bertoncini violin
Mickey Lusk harp
Patrick McMinn trumpet, electronics
Mary Staubitz objects

Rachel Beetz flute, electronics
Set 1
Che Davis trombone
Thomas Florin piano
Bonnie Lander voice
Sam Newsome soprano sax with horn preparations
Chris Williams trumpet
Set 2
Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena Balinese gamelan
Mickey Lusk harp
Jamal Moore reeds, percussion, electronics
Set 3
CK Barlow sampling
Obie Feldi computer
Sam Pluta electronics
Mary Staubitz objects
Set 4
Ishmael Ali cello, SP-404
Darien Baiza drums
Patrick McMinn trumpet, electronics
The Emperor King Bishop: Solomon Selassie sax, keys, bass, electronics, voice

High Zero Artists will engage curious minds at area institutions.
Tiziana Bertoncini and Thomas Lehn
Peabody Computer Music
Wednesday, 18 Sept. 2024, 6-7pm
Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena
UMBC Gamelan
UMBC Music Box
Thursday, 19 Sept. 2024, 1-2pm
Tiziana Bertoncini and Thomas Lehn
The Music Box
UMBC Music
Friday, 20 Sept. 2024, noon
Sam Pluta
Towson Recording Department
Towson Recording Recital Hall
20 Sept. 2024, noon
Sam Newsome
Towson Jazz Department
Towson Recording Recital Hall
20 Sept. 2024, 1pm

While the main stage is invitation-only and booked a year in advance, there are many opportunities to perform at High Zero through High Jinx, our broadly participatory, informal and unofficial site specific and street performances held throughout the city starting a week before the festival, which are some of the wildest and most inspired public art events in Baltimore. PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

What kind of High Jinx have we done in the past? Check out these great photos from 2008 at the bottom of the documentation page!



Add your High Jinx to our calendar!


What do High Jinx need?

Directors: People who can decide on an event, organize it (what, where, who and when) and then follow through and execute it. This can be a simple event with one director/performer standing on a street corner or a complex event with many involved.

Performers: People who either have skills which satisfy the needs of a particular perfomance or people who want to perform in something that doesn't need specific skills

Places: A great site can dictate what should be perfomed there (ex. crossing over). Or, a great site can be perfect for anything you put in it.

Documenters: Video cameras, journalists, poets, photographers, sound recordists, spys.

Creative thinkers: High Jinx is almost "anything goes". Simple ideas can make beautiful events. What can you amplify? (knitting needles) Take the mundane and over emphasize it (ultrareductionist library band). Make music out of almost nothing by meerly changing the context of existing sounds (honkers). Just act silly (the hat band). Be visual (folded paper). Be weird (crossing over). Be conventional (music games). Show off your basement projects (invented instrument)

Promoters: People who'll tell people what's happening, where and when, post to email lists, put up flyers. People who will bring more people to get involved.